Springbok, Common

Springbukken er et af de klassiske Afrika arter som de fleste ønsker at nedlægge. Med de flotte aftegninger og lyreformede horn får man et virkeligt flot trofæ til at pryde væggen i hjemmet.

De færdes for det meste i flokke på mellem 50 og hundrede. Der er altid et par opmærksome øjne, ører eller en næse, som opdager "fare på færde". Springbukken er derfor ofte meget svær at komme

tæt nok på til at kunne afgive et forsvarligt skud. De større hanner som er blevet afvist af flokken, vandrer ofte alene rundt og er derfor lettere at komme på skudhold af.

Hall of Fame

See all the great and fantastic trophies that our guests have acquired at their stay at Malpepo. We are proud to say, that 80% of the trophies from Malpepo Safaries have been in the medal class.

Meet the team behind Malpepo

The team behind our family business Malpepo Safaris does not only offer great hunting experiences and safaris with luxurious accomodation but a very personalized and dedicated service that is second to none. We are professional hunters certified by the SA government and have many years of experience.

Tours and excursions

South Africa is a land of opportunities and it offers a wide selection of fantastic experiences. Are you into action and adrenalin? South Africa offers both bungy jumping, helicopter flying and whale safari. But if you are into more calming and relaxing experiences, we would like to recommend a trip to Cape Town or one of the many fantastic wine yards in the area of Eastern Cape.

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